A Funny Kind of Obedience

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Some kitchen items I would marry

A lemon squeezer is just that item.  Where have you been all my life and why did I just find you? 


Bottom Line, if you move to a place where you don't have reliable electricity and/or you want/need to squeeze lemons and limes and I do think they have one for oranges. This is a gadget worth having!


I have done many things over the years for squeezing lemons, which you need for sauces and drinks, hummus and so on.  The MOST I needed this bad boy was in Uganda.  We had to make everything from scratch and eventually we would try to get ahead and make ahead, which would always backfire because electricity would go out. Also, no offense, but British fridges are for Calico Critters... aka no room for extras or stocking up.

 Part of my return culture shock was to buy certain things BECAUSE WE COULD.  An electric juicer was just one of those purchases.  I pay my kids to juice bags of lemons and limes to keep  on hand in jars in the fridge. I could have said that nicer and made it sound like a growth opportunity, but I am trying to be more honest about myself and motives. I bribe them to do my work at times.

 However, I kept noticing this hand held juicer on TV shows and I could not stop thinking about it. One day I found it for super cheap at Tuesday Morning and I tried it out--amazing, so easy.  I have had a wooden spiral juicer, a juicer that is plastic no storage and in Uganda, I had a plastic juicer with glass storage, but this surpasses them all!

 Now, I would not go back and I am enjoying the taste of fresh squeezed lemons and limes which outshines even fresh squeezed and stored in the fridge.  This gadget is so easy to use, even my 10 year old daughter can use it well!  This is a lemon squeezer with a lime insert and it is easy to clean and store.  Worth the purchase!


Anyone want to buy an electric juicer?