You got me World Market

You got me World Market


Oh yeah, I was minding my own business and boom, there was our juice from our time in Uganda.  Again, I short circuit for a moment... if you know the movie, Rango, there is a character named Beans.  She is a lizard and would freeze up periodically saying it was a defense mechanism.  Maybe that is a part of culture shock.

When I look at this juice box, I have these thoughts...

I love South Africa (where this is from).

I paid big money for this in Uganda because it is an import and pre-made.

I often felt guilty for spending money on luxuries.

I love Uganda which makes you slow down.

I miss my friends and making passion fruit juice.

This box is way cleaner and nicer than what we got in Uganda.

And I stand there for a moment with all of these thoughts.  Then I grabbed it and became super grateful for all of our experiences.  I pray for all of the inequality and for my friends.  I surprised my children with a blast from the past.  My oldest especially remembered and was excited. It was fitting because we were having breakfast tacos for dinner and we also had that for a treat in Uganda. We shared some memories.

More sneaky culture shock.

A good read

A good read

Sometimes Culture Shock is Sneaky

Sometimes Culture Shock is Sneaky