Brave Scared Warrior-the story

Brave Scared Warrior-the story

My son, Micah who is now 17 coined the phrase.  It was 2006 and he was almost five years old.  My husband was a resident in training for family medicine and we were taking a rotation in  Ecuador with some of our heroes, the Hardin family.  They remain our cross cultural mentors.  The husband was one of my husbands teachers in family practice residency and had given that up to serve with his family in a remote hospital.  His wife, Karol, remains one of my all time favorites of how to do it your way in life and she certainly taught me many things on this trip!  How many PhDs do you know who can also cut hair?  There are so many stories from that trip, but this is my favorite.  

So, at the end of our time, a doctor generously paid for us to go on a trip to the jungle.  This particular hospital was founded after some Christian missionaries were killed by members of a tribe called the Waorani.  This tribe was very violent and all about war.  Aaron got to shadow Dr. Hardin who was treating some of the aging tribal members who typically did not live that long and were coming in for treatment.  They were simple problems of aging (like dehydration), but they had no tribal folklore or guidance since they didn't make that old until they became people of faith in Jesus and started forgiving and trying to live and not just kill and fight.  It's an extraordinary story.  We had the privilege of taking a small Cessna plane to the Amazon jungle.  In fact, this is the last time I remember not being very fearful as a parent.  There is something about being outnumbered that brings what I hope is a healthy fear of keeping kids alive.  I remember I took my toddlers' seatbelt off and held her up so she could see the Amazon river!  I can't even go hiking with my kids now because I can't stand to see them taking risks!  It was a memorable trip.

So, we are on our way to see this church and meet these people.  At the end of a lovely visit.  Micah says, "I feel like a warrior.  A brave scared warrior."  That just stuck with us and I stole it!! 


Me pregnant with our last born, Mallory.  Emma Shae is 2.5 and Micah 4.5, Aaron is a young doctor in training.


Here is the church and welcoming committee.  Of course, it is slightly touristy, but in this case I am ok with that because they live in the middle of the jungle and how else do you bring in income when you are so remote?  I love how my daughter is really checking people out and I am sure my son is looking for something to pick up and throw.


 I love this picture because I have no poker face.  I am in full culture shock. I am pregnant, it's hot and I feel overwhelmed with the show and tell and sweet hospitality of our hosts.  I also love my daughter's expression.  These women had coming flying out of the jungle with fruit and they dramatically cracked it open and painted our faces.  I had mixed emotions about this--I couldn't tell if it was cheesy and fake or do they actually do this for visitors?  


We looked like sweaty toothed madmen afterwards.  Emma Shae does not look too impressed with the plane ride and visit at this point.


Meanwhile, Micah is utterly happy!  He is a brave, scared warrior.

Sometimes Culture Shock is Sneaky

Sometimes Culture Shock is Sneaky

Update on Dr. Scholls

Update on Dr. Scholls