Little Notes, the teenage years

Little Notes, the teenage years

Photo by Olga Thelavart on Unsplash


A few years ago, I wrote about little notes the kids would leave for me. I found this note at my spot at the dinner table last year, and it made me think about that post!

Click here to read the old post.

As the kids age, we are shifting dynamics. They are initiating more ideas and imput for their lives and for family life. Depending on my mood and maturity level, I am either open or resentful of their suggestions.

This note tickled me because of the statistical values of children on the left vs. adults on the right. My daughter was a senior in high school at the time, and I appreciated the demonstration of empirical evidence. It is concise, to the point, and not whiny. I don’t believe I have made lentil soup since, so it was effective. Wow, this gives me an idea of what I should make next week. Hahaha…

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